Saturday, May 10, 2008

Certification day

Today we held our final certification ceremony for the batch of students graduating from the Each One Teach One ( EOTO ) computer education and spoken English program. The event was very well organized, one of the best that I attended. We had around 60-70 students graduating from the program.

I met almost all of my students from the past 8-9 months. It was so nice to see and catch up with what they are doing. I was so touched when more than a couple of students told me that they considered me to be an ideal teacher for them. Feels nice that at least somebody thinks I can teach !! :-)

When I think of my students and all the memories, it is tough not to feel emotional. I just feel as if I have lost a big bunch of my friends.

I left the ceremony with a heavy heart. I still somehow feel I have let them down. Let them down by not fighting enough to keep the center open. Did I do everything I possibly could to keep EOTO open ? I think I will wonder about this question for a long long time.

When I think of my students, lyrics from an Aerosmith song drift to mind

Dream on, dream on
Dream until your dream come true
Dream on, dream on, dream on...

Convictions may change, centers might close, people could change, we all will grow older for sure.

But Dreams don't die, do they ?

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