Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ad from yester years

Remember seeing this ad several years back. They did not play it very often, but somehow I liked the theme of it a lot.

I could not find the full video, but I think it went something like this ….

In the beginning you just love to play,
you are a kid, and it's a game.

Then the forehand gets stronger,
and the serve starts to pop,
and the expectation grows.

But you still love to play,

because you're a kid …………... a 27 year old kid,

… And it's a game !!

Sometimes when I watch Sachin Tendulkar, I wonder where he still gets the drive. Maybe he still loves to play because he is still a kid , a 38 year old kid ……. :-)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daddy, what do you do …

“Daddy , you have seen my time-table at school, right ? “

Yes Indeed, I have

“So you know what I do throughout the day at school?”

Yes, I do know what you do at school. In fact I almost have your daily schedule memorized

“So tell me this. What do you do whole day in office ?”

Errrr ….. I go to the lab, test some things. if they are not working, I try to fix it

“So you are like a repair-man”

Well …… no, not exactly. Sometimes I think of better way to do things. Like I get lot of ideas.
(Actually daddy goes to office, drinks coffee, cracks lots of jokes, browses the net, checks mail and comes back . But what the heck, the previous explanation sounds impressive, even to me)


What do I tell ?

How about “I think about the really tough problems facing us today and try to come up ways to solve them” ? Nice statement, but that is not really what I do most of the time :-(

Should I say that I am a researcher who does not know half the time whether he is right or wrong ?

Or if I am someone whose job involves making vague power point presentations on how to solve problems that may or may not exist ?

I really need to think on how to put this nicely to a 6 year old !!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Terrorism …..

I was browsing the net when I came across this article talking about a potential 9/11 10th anniversary attack in the U.S. I certainly hope that this would not be true

However I am confused after reading the article. The article quotes a person from Homeland security as saying “In this instance, it’s accurate that there is specific, credible but unconfirmed threat information.’’

If its accurate , credible and specific, how the heck can it be un-confirmed ????? I can’t figure this one out, can you ?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One year

“If you want to know the value of a day, ask a schoolboy on the last day before summer vacation.
If you want to know the value of an hour, ask a criminal sentenced to death.
If you want to know the value of a minute, ask a person that just missed their flight.
If you want to know the value of a second, ask a person that just avoided a serious car accident.
If you want to know the value of a millisecond, ask an Olympic silver medalist”


Wifey informs me that she has completed one year in her job as of today. So if you were wondering whom to ask about the value of one year, you have the answer now :-)