Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On memory

I had a disagreement with a close friend recently over a treat which kept on being 'forgotten'. One of the points I was struggling to grasp was on whether memory can be selective or not.

Well, I guess it can be selective, though at that point I had difficulty accepting that.

For example, I have no idea on what day I saw my wife for the first time, what I was wearing at that time, what I spoke to her etc. My wife, of course, remembers. Though I have gifted her a few dresses, I cannot for my life pick them out from her dress collection.

Though I consider my first (1997) and second(2000) job interview successes to be major events in my life, I have no clue on what dates they were. Heck , I don't even remember the months now !!

I tend to remember the birthdays of a few close friends. I can usually remember any commitment that I make and I rarely forget to be somewhere on time. I usually remember names of people pretty well , which has helped me a great deal in my stint as a volunteer teacher !!

Is that an inherent difference in Male-Female memory ? I guess it could be . I guess it is also a natural reaction for you to be upset if you find that your friend cannot remember something that you can do so effortlessly !!

No wonder John Gray is minting money with his Mars Venus series of books :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pradeep, memory is selective for many. There is some 'selector' who tries to remember what he (He)decides, not necessarily the conscious 'me' would like to.
If it was not so, we all will be the happiest always.
Good point to think.