Monday, March 3, 2008

Clarification on my blog

I almost landed in hot water last week when a friend read one of my blogs and thought it was my attempt to take a potshot at her!! The debated articles are on leading by example and possibly the article on musings of a volunteer

So here is the same disclaimer that I told her.

My blogs are not necessarily in chronological order. Some of the things that I write about have time delays of several months associated with them. I will write about some of the bad experiences that I come across in my life. However this are usually not based on a single event or person, it is usually an aggregate of lots of small events and experiences.

If a blog is targeted at a particular person ( I have done this only in a positive sense ) , usually there will be a direct clue so that the person would know I am referring to him / her. I have not and will not mention names of people without permission

So apologies if anyone else felt bad after reading my blog, I do not intend to target any individual in a negative sense using my blog. Blogging is just a way for me to clear my mind, so treat it as that.

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