Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rain time at Calicut

I am at Calicut now for a 4 day Easter weekend. It has been raining like crazy here, I can't recall a March in which it rained so much. Lovely weather for sleeping, not great if you were planning to go out like me :-(

My BSNL connection at Bangalore has been erratic, so I have been unable to hook up to blogger for couple of days. Either it runs at blazing speed, or it does not work at all. BSNL is yet to find an intermediate operating point :-)

On the reading front, I have started on The Afghan after finishing The tipping point,which was ok, nothing great. As mentioned earlier, the writing style is a bit laborious. Which is curious, because one of the concepts mentioned in Tipping point is the "stickiness" of an idea. Very clearly inspite of knowing about it , Malcolm Gladwell is not able to apply the "stickiness"concept to his writing !!

I been lying around, eating , sleeping and playing with my daughter. Nice to lead such a lazy life sometimes..

1 comment:

Mech_Tiger said...

Lucky U, u have rain to sooth u in calicut, not so lucky people like me have spend this ester in scrocthing sun here in pune.
my hometown is also kerala, and its memories r making me crazy....