Sunday, March 9, 2008

Weekend & reading

Really hectic weekend, it was final exam time for my students at EOTO. Both Saturday and Sunday went in that. Usually these are frustrating days for me, because I keep seeing them repeating the very same mistakes we try and teach them to avoid :-((

I am done with Like the flowing river. Brilliant book, this goes right near the top of some the best stuff that I have read. It is a collection of lot of thoughts, each story does make you think and reflect a little bit. Not too heavy to read, language is simple and smooth.

I found one particular passage particularly beautiful after my first pass through the book. This is an excerpt from a book by Okakura Kakuzo

We see the evil in others because we know the evil in ourselves
We never forgive those who wound us because we believe we would never be forgiven
We say the painful truth to others because we want to hide it from ourselves
We show our strength , so that no one can see our frailty
That is why , whenever you judge your brother, be aware that it is you who is in the dock

This is definitely a book to be re-read several times. I still maintain my earlier opinion on The Alchemist, I think it is a bit over-rated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- Chcek this out!! It is not pirated as Paulo and Harper collins encourages open sharing:)