Saturday, April 19, 2008

How to cut an onion without crying ?

I was getting bugged by this crying business while cutting onions. Any Indian dish that you try to cook requires onions and invariably I end up shedding bucketful of tears. So is there any way out ?

Quick survey of literature available reveals that an absurd amount of "solutions" exists for this problem. To quote a few :

(a) Cut out a cone at the bottom of the onion from the root, this is the part the makes you cry. (Maybe, but I don't want to waste half my onion just avoid a few tears, would I ? Especially with the prices the way they are in India now !! )
(b) Wear contact lenses (That seems a bit extreme )
(c) Chew a piece of bread while you chop onions ( Why not a glass of wine also while you are at it , eh ? )
(d) Wear protective glasses or incredibly a diving mask ( "Where are off to in that diving mask ?" , "Just chopping a few onions.." . Innovative for sure, somehow I don't think this option would find too many takers )

As is the case with most problems, the literature search gave me no conclusive answer. Ask and expert was the only option left. So I went ahead and posed this question to my North Indian cooking consultant. Predictably, she told me something not seen in literature yet : Soak the onion in water for 10 mins before chopping. I tried this technique today, and I must say it was surprisingly effective. Not a tear shed !!

Maybe I should listen to experts a bit more :-)


Anonymous said...

One more thing you cna do is to peel and cut the onions in half and then refrigerate them.. Cold onions seem to be less tear-inducing :)

Anonymous said...

The right mentor will shorten one's search for the truth.

I'll pass on this advice to my wife and daughters, the main cooks these days in our home.

Great blog!