Monday, April 7, 2008

Appam and stew : From the fast improving cook

Ever in search of a new challenge, I decided that Appam-Stew has to be my next attempt. After some research on the topic, I decided that the best course of action is to go for a ready made appam mix that is available in the market. All you have to do is take the mix ( around 500 gms ) , add 4 table spoon sugar, half tea spoon salt , 5 cups of water , half cup of milk and beat the mix together in a mixer for a minute or two. Then you keep the batter out for around 1-2 hours, the batter does rise quite a bit, as I realized at the expense of lot of spillage !!
Caution : This can make you around 35 appams , so scale according to number of people . Unfortunately, I did no such scaling and so I would be eating appams only for the rest of the week :-((

For the technically minded, one Table spoon = 14.786765 milli-liters and one Teaspoon = 4.9289216 milli-liters :-)

I had a non stick appam pan , so making appam itself was very simple. You pour couple of spoons of batter into the pan , swerve around the pan to get a thin spread on outside. Then close the lid and let it cook for like 30-45 secs. The way I detected it was done was when the appam began to separate from the pan on its own .

I already knew how to make the stew. Basically boiled potatoes mixed with onions fried in oil cooked in coconut milk . I also add green chillies to give it a bit of zing and some cardamom to give it a nice aroma .

Next challenge please , I am beginning to get good at this :-)

The more I cook , the less I read and vice versa. In three days, all I have finished is one book, should pick up my speed later during the week.

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