Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Freedom blog

Why the title ??

I have endured an especially frustrating day and I am still fuming. Remember the Dilbert experience that I was talking about in an earlier blog ??

Well the experience just got more bitter. The same article that I wrote up under great personal strife on Friday was mindlessly chopped and changed by one of our enlightened communications leaders. Let me call the person “Poet”, the reason would be apparent to a careful observer employed in the same company as me :-)

What value was added to the article ? None
What creativity was introduced to the article ? None
What was the purpose of the editing ? Not known, other than some ego kick that the person must have received
Were there any grammatical , factual or spelling errors in the original ? No chance
Was the person doing editing better informed than me in the topic ? Ha ha haaaaaa

Would Leonardo Davinci feel happy if an editor came and painted over Mona Lisa's smile because it looked a touch sad ? The beauty of the previous statement being that Davinci is being equated to yours truly ;-). You wanna edit that out “Poet”? But hey you can’t , this is my blog !!

So here is my mark of protest against all the parasitic, uncreative, ego-satisfying editors of the world. Edit this and show me !!

My turn will come “Poet”, my turn will come.

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